Custom Path
Preparing 10,000 managers globally on how they influence their teams’ Employee Engagement through day-to-day experiences. Delivered over multiple years to support the annual Employee Engagement survey. Beyond the survey, helping Managers learn and act on how to drive engagement across their teams.
The Challenge
Preparing All Managers to Lead Their Teams Through the Engagement Survey Process Effectively
Managers are rarely provided with clear expectations on how to engage teams and what actions they should take after receiving direct feedback and results through the survey results. For example: what should I do next? How should I behave if I receive low scores? Why is the team unhappy?
The Solution
An 8-Week Experience
The 8-week experience helped prepare all managers through the process. Before, during, and after the Employee Engagement Survey, what actions and habits can be formed to help lead the right dialogue. Focused on activating the desired behaviors expected from all managers globally, the experience provided micro-learning, actions, and a platform to discuss and learn from managers across Nike.
I used to ask my team, ‘What can I do for you?’ They almost always said, ‘I’m fine.’ Now I ask, ‘On a scale of 1-10 how do you like working here?’ They usually reply, ‘7-9’. Then I ask how we can help you get to a ten and then they actually have feedback to share.
Sr. Director
The Results
Managers Globally
Actions with Purpose completed
Peer-to-Peer Learning Moments
What moves me is working with a team that cares about each other. I am moved when I can empower my team, see them discover and unlock their potential, and be the best they can be - their best selves. THAT is when it happens.

Imagine doing what you learn today